You’ve made it through the start of school, Halloween, and now it’s time for you to be thinking about end-of-the-year holiday events. Nannies are in higher demand during this time of year. Now is a great time to ask yourself, “What can I do to best prepare my family for the holiday season?” “How can I tag team with our nanny to best assist our family?” Here are some tips for you as we enter the busy holiday season:
Pace Yourself
It’s important to pace yourself during this time of year as there are a lot of holiday parties, gatherings, and family events to attend. It’s possible that your nanny might be staying extra late nights. In addition to holiday related events, children also tend to have a lot of extra activities and last-minute homework projects before winter break. It’s important to take a moment at the top of your week and review your family’s schedule. Take note of any times where you may be late getting home and check with your nanny regarding coverage. Also, if there are any special events that week, take care to inform your nanny via e-mail or in person so that she can be as supportive as possible in her role.
Plan ahead
Are you hosting extra holiday gatherings/outings in the coming months? What about attending more events then usual? Perhaps your nanny might be staying extra late nights or coming into work for you more hours then usual. As a reminder, per California law, overtime pay starts after 9 hours in a day or over 40 hrs in a week for a live-out nanny and anything over 45 hours a week for a live-in nanny. There will likely be a lot of tasks that you can delegate to your nanny and lighten your load. Is there extra holiday shopping that your nanny can get done in advance? Can she coordinate a caterer? Enlist your children in creating decorations or center pieces? There are so many opportunities – just make sure you don’t spring it on her at the last minute!
Be Considerate
If there’s an odd afternoon where your nanny can go home early during the holidays, send them home early so that they’re more charged up and ready for when party season starts-up! (Of course, they still need to be paid your contracted pay agreement even if she goes home early.) Most importantly, you’ll want to make sure that your nanny is not rundown this time of year. Saving her extra hours when you can, will make a big difference in the long run when you really need her to stay late or go the extra mile!
We want to know! How do you prepare for the holidays? How do you involve your nanny in the holiday shopping / baking / preparation process? Tell us your favorite Holiday activities, crafts, and traditions in the comments section below or on our Facebook and Twitter pages: @TheNannyDoctor – we’ll be sure to re-post our favorites!